Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Mt. Rainier

This is Mt.Rainier, about 40 miles or so from our home. We don't have a view from our house but we can drive up the hill about 2 blocks away and have an amazing view of course when it's clear.....lol, that was for Dad's sake. It's been fairly clear this summer. Anyway, we went hiking the first weekend in August up at Sunrise point, where the sun first hits the Mt. It's almost 7000 ft up, but the Mt. is the biggest glacier volcano in the USA at over 14,000 plus ft and the view is cool. We were hiking for about 2 hours around some trails and we could see the top of the glacier. There was a frozen lake, well somewhat now, but it was like being in Alaska I guess, never been, it had the blue ice, it was pretty neat. We saw some chipmunks, deer, marmot's, which I didn't know was kind of a big rat. It was a good workout, we were definitely tired when we drove home.

Our New Home

This is our house in Puyallup, Washington. We like this area better than the other place before... we live also near Mt. Rainier which offers even more outdoor activities for us and a beautiful view whenever the weather is not too cloudy.